Algorithms II
Applied Data Analysis
Probability and stochastic calculus
Optional research project in Data Science
Semester research project
Statistics for data science
Advanced probability and applications
Artificial neural networks/reinforcement learning
Gestion des organisations II
Semester research project in Data Science
Foundations of Data Science
Machine Learning
Gestion des organisations I
15592 Independent Study in Computer Science
18491 Digital Signal Processing
18460 Optimization
FedHybrid Reproducibility Study
36410 Introduction to Probability Modeling
16745 Optimal Control and Reinforcement Learning
LQR: motivation and derivation , Off-road navigation
15591 Independent Study in Computer Science
15/18330 Introduction to Computer Security
18758 Wireless Communications
67262 Database Design and Development
95718 Professional Speaking
Analyse IV
Computer architecture II
Introduction to machine learning
Parallelism and concurrency
Philosophy of science B
Probability and statistics
Signals and systems (for EL&IC)
transformation de Fourier
Programmation orientée système
Projet de programmation orientée système
Theory of computation
Analyse III
Computer architecture I
Computer networks
Economic Thinking
Functional programming
General physics: electromagnetism
Numerical methods for visual computing and machine learning
Advanced information, computation, communication II
théorie de l'information
Analyse II
Digital system design
Global issues: mobility B
Pratique de la programmation orientée objet
Advanced information, computation, communication I
Analyse I
Physique générale : mécanique
Introduction à la programmation
Algèbre linéaire